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"GAY​DAR" Short Film

A prequel story of Above the Dead


"VISITOR" Short Film

In honor of all those lost overseas​



The final moments of Season 1...

Season 1 is all about the first 2 weeks of the "zombie" apocalypse, in which nightmares are made of, but as a group of people find refuge in a fancy tree house, and survive while awaiting an army of help and loved ones, a pair of different armies arrive first, causing complete misery and setting the stage for this dramatic ending...


A brutal and heartbreaking scene from Season 2...

Kayaking themselves down the Columbia river, out of the Gorge and toward the coast, Samantha and her "Mt. Hood crew" are surviving forest fires, floating zombies, pirates, and harsh weather, but not everyone they kayak by, will be so lucky...​


An emotional conclusion to the Season 2 first-half finale...

It takes the Bakers a season and a half to finally reach their beloved family members, surviving in a tree house on Mt. Hood...

This scene reveals what they discover, and what they don't...but to truly feel their pain, you will have to read the kind of hell they go through, to reach this destination, and just as much hell for those they love, missing or buried on that mountain...



Season 3 will bring the battle of "Red Christmas" which begins and ends with devastation...

After a year of peace and zero loss of life, the apocalypse catches up with the Baker's and their fancy compound. They have worked so hard to not only survive, but to continue with their way of life. Baseball games, championships, a monthly newspaper, and even the celebration of Christmas also finds itself surviving, until a mysterious army arrives on Christmas Eve, rather than a friendly fat man in red, and just when they think the battle has been won, they return home to find sabotage from the inside...





(contains spoilers!)


It was his visions, and his fortune, that lead to a compound for the Baker family, worthy of surviving an apocalypse.

 Using his creative mind to make that fortune in the old world, he's now using it to help rebuild the new one...

illustration by Jared Souza​​​​

Stuck on Mt. Hood (Sam's son) with his daughter, it's their family compound in the Tillamook Forest, where they desperately want to be... 

Fish B​a​​ker (illustration by Claudia Mckitty)

The entire Baker family knows that the future of said family, is this special child, who is very much like her grandfather. Like everyone in her family, she has been training her entire life, how to survive in a new world...  

illustration by Jared Souza

Not related to the Bakers, this kid becomes like family...and in a pre-apocalyptic world that he suffered anxiety from, it's the post-apocalyptic world that has anxiety, of HIM!

illustration by Jared Souza

Next in line to lead the family compound, hero doesn't even begin to describe this guy (Sam's grandson) or what he means to the Bakers, especially his uncle Fish and little cousin, Samantha, who he is on a mission to bring home...

illustration by Jared Souza

With a pistol to her head, and an escape from the reality of the world below the tree house she survived in, it's this fury friend, who climbs into Samantha's lap, and gives her a reason to go on...

illustration by Jared Souza

A Mt. Hood neighbor of Fish, this guy and his family are pivotal in young Samantha's survival and determination to reach that compound. Of course, the loss of electricity, is brutal for someone with sleep apnea!  

illustration by Jared Souza

Married to Scott's daughter, Amy, this guy is also Eli's big brother, and they not only use Samantha's tree house for survival, and her family's compound for hope, but they have come to love that special child, and will go through absolute hell, to keep her alive...

illustration by Jared Souza

Cousins (Sam's grandson) with Samantha, this guy's family is also stuck on the mountain, but miles away from where they hope to reach Samantha and her father. Perhaps their stories will crossover... 

illustration by Jared Souza​​​​

Showing up a bit mysteriously, in the 3rd episode of season 1, is she really as cool as she seems...or as cuckoo as she seems...or both...or neither??? Read and find out!

illustration by Jared Souza​​​​

Brothers Michael and Matthew, are complete trouble, and thrilled to be living in a world that no longer has rules. This one uses the lawlessness to commit the crime he'd been dreaming of, followed by treating every moment of life, as if it were his last...

illustration by Jared Souza​​​​

Not as nasty or cold hearted as his little brother, but loyal to his family...

illustration by Jared Souza​​​​

This was a stand up guy at first, until the world loses all hope, and he goes completely savage, below Samantha and the other survivors, in hopes of taking their glamorous tree house, for himself...

illustration by Jared Souza​​​​

With 5 older brothers and a father building a compound, for whatever crisis might strike, someday, Scout Baker is most definitely prepared for the apocalyptic world. Besides Zane, no one is closer with her brother Fish, and niece Samantha...and no one with more resolve, to bring them home!

illustration by Jared Souza​​​​

Son of Sam, and father to Zane and Dakota, it's an illness and inconsistency of taking his meds, that prevents this guy from his full potential. His love/hate relationship with Zane, and desire to be the compound leader, was intense even before the apocalypse... 

illustration by Jared Souza​​​​

Once zombies take over, and his wife dies, he gives up altogether on his meds, and soon after, he and his wife, Mary, are reunited! She tries to control him no differently than she did while alive. He eventually changes his look, abandons his family at the compound, and heads for the coast, to his "secret camp"... 

illustration by Jared Souza​​​​

Dakota (Sam's granddaughter) is the female version of her brother, Zane, highly determined to find her little cousin, Samantha, and not someone you want to get in the way of! In Season 2, she is reunited with her woman, Cleo, who regardless of the heartbreaking world they now live in, somehow finds a way to make people laugh...

illustration by Jared Souza​​​​

When his brother Leo, struggles with personal issues in Season 2, it's Mason (Sam's son) who steps up and leads an epic beach "zombie" clearing mission, that only furthers the family plan of survival...

illustration by Jared Souza​​​​

Pre-apocalypse these guys are just ball players, and great friends with Zane Baker. Post-apocalypse they are members of the "Rough Riders", using their ball skills to fight zombies and protect the people of the Tillamook Forest Compound... 

In their spare time, once things settle down, they'll even return to the field and provide encouraging entertainment for said people, because yes, said compound, has ball fields!

illustration by Jared Souza​​​​

Only a side character for an episode in Season 1, DJ makes a dramatic return in Season 2. His autistic sister was already living in a world scary enough, while this new one is overwhelming...yet she finds ways to contribute, and becomes inspired by young Samantha. ( Renee has her own journal entries, available to read at )

illustration by Jared Souza​​​​

She suffered loss in the old world, and more loss in the new one. She's surrounded by youth, and uses it to find her way, and to help kayak that youth, out of the Gorge, and toward the compound...

illustration by Jared Souza​​​​

Sam's oldest child and leader of the family compound, Hunter is fully committed to seeing his father's dream become a reality. Whether in their lifetime or the next, they plan on their family having refuge, whenever the apocalypse hits...

illustration by Jared Souza​​​​

He was just a prison guard before the apocalypse, but now leads a large group of those prisoners and has a nice set-up, through a mysterious leader Grover, who remains with a group/camp of his own, but communicates through letters...

illustration by Jared Souza​​​​

Popular among the prisoners, and respected/feared for whatever he mysteriously did to land in prison, this guy is an obvious choice to help lead the "Grover" group...

illustration by Jared Souza​​​​

A love interest destined for Zane, this woman must be amazing to capture his attention. Coke is her son, and playing big brother to the little boy stranded at the shelter, where they all awaited before landing behind the safety of a world built by a team of loggers, funded by the mysterious "Grover"...

illustration by Jared Souza​​​​

Born a woman, but identifying as a man, he considered the world an evil place long before it was walked by the dead. Now...he enjoys walking with them...

illustration by Claudia Mckitty

A mysterious character of this story...

Whoever he is, he was prepared for the apocalypse and well funded for it. With multiple groups and multiple locations, his goal is just as mysterious as his identity, other than the obvious, which is to rule the coast range...

illustration by Jared Souza​​​​

Harris did what she had to do, to survive, even if it meant joining the wrong kind of group. But she is destined for better things, bigger things, and will become a legend, as Queen of the Nike World Headquarters, in Beaverton...

illustration by Jared Souza​​​​

After separated from her son on day 1 of the chaotic zombie apocalypse, Dominique is all she has left, and it's her artistic talent that allows Harris to dream of better days to come, but then her death, that changes her forever, and sets the pace, for the Queen of Beaverton..

illustration by Jared Souza​​​​

The rumor is that he killed a big-time prison drug lord named Shark, and with his mammoth size, his nickname took off from there. Whatever the case, this guy makes his way through zombies, like Paul Bunyan does trees, and would be a much better friend, than foe! 

illustration by Jared Souza​​​​

With their daughter, Samantha, stuck/missing on Mt Hood, these two are safe at the family compound, but as you can imagine, in complete distraught over what they're left to imagine while praying for her safe return, in which appears more and more unlikely... 

illustration by Jared Souza​​​​

Anthony serves as Leo's man in charge, at his secret camp in the hills of Rockaway Beach. A mysterious camp that the Baker family knows very little about, other than it's something Leo had been setting up, long before the apocalypse...

illustration by Jared Souza​​​​

Behind every disturbed man is his disturbed wife, and this would be Leo's. His son, Zane, resented her, and knew her influence on his father was as bad as his illness. An illness that allowed him to keep seeing her after her death at the Sand Series Hotel, on day 1 of the apocalypse... 

illustration by Jared Souza​​​​

It was almost 3 decades prior to the "zombie" apocalypse when she first began using Leo's illness against him, and although her death comes early in this story, it was the plan she put into motion in which dictates life in the new world, and those trying to survive it.

illustration by Jared Souza​​​​

Griffey's Grandfather takes in Trisha during the chaos on day 1 of the apocalypse, after her family is left "dead" in the street. Once his grandpa breaks them into the Sand Series Hotel, and is responsible for the deaths of Leo's family, he then loses his own life, leaving Griffey and Trisha all alone, and to be taken in by the family who suffered at the hands of his grandfather... 

illustration by Jared Souza​​​​

Everyone lost loved ones on day 1 of the apocalypse, even members of the blessed Baker compound family. Wyatt and his wife Sarah, had wonderful news to share that day, but with the chaos and loss of his brother, the news is put on hold, and will eventually help provide hope, in Season 2 Episode 9, when the family begins "clearing" the beaches and creating a "dead free" zone, on a stretch of the Oregon coastline...

illustration by Jared Souza​​​​

Brother to Wyatt, son to Hunter, grandson to Sam, and class clown of the Baker compound family, this guy finds a way to keep his personality, even into the apocalyptic world of the dead. What good is surviving, if you can't laugh? 

illustration by Jared Souza​​​​

Those Bakers are endless! Cousin to Wyatt and Gunner, this one belongs to Mason, and like his dad he is not one to be messed with. His leadership value begins to show in Season 2 Episode 9, while the family accomplishes the unbelievable... 

illustration by Jared Souza​​​​

Married to one of Grandpa Sam's grandchildren, she loses her husband during the chaos of day 1, but is left with a part of him growing inside of her...

This family uses such news, only as more motivation toward the new world, they are building...

illustration by Jared Souza​​​​

A loyal leader, soldier and friend of the Baker family, this guy leads the troops into whatever mission is at hand, and uses his forces to provide crucial protection toward the safety and success of those missions. He also spends time training the survivors, in how to remain as such...     

illustration by Jared Souza​​​​

Best friends with Porter and just as loyal to the Bakers, this guy will fall in love with the sad/amazing story behind Griffey and what brought him to the compound. He becomes a father to him, teaching him how to survive, and providing hope of a life with memories that overshadow the scars he now lives with...

illustration by Jared Souza​​​​

What's an apocalypse without ping-pong, and no one has better "Gump" skills than this guy. Eventually he cuddles up with DJ, and together they become like "my two dads" for survivors Trisha and Ashley, who like Griffey, have sad stories of their own. Rich is Mason's son and grandson to Sam, and like his grandfather he works hard to find the good in all that has happened...    

illustration by Jared Souza​​​​

A Freshman ball player coached by Zane and Blake, this kid is now a member of the Rough Riders, who serve as a secondary line of defense, whenever the compound army is elsewhere. In their spare time they remain "boys of summer", and no one more than Joshua, can appreciate the fact that baseball has survived the apocalypse...  

illustration by Jared Souza​​​​

While several of the Bakers are on Mt. Hood, searching for Samantha, they find themselves prisoners of the "US Army", and find a pair of allies in Gia and Major David. Once the Major takes over command, fights off those who "abject", and frees the Bakers, he becomes known as "Mayday", and punches their ticket into the Baker family, and it's army...  

illustration by Jared Souza​​​​

Named by Grover, after he hired them as moonshiners for the post apocalypse, these old timers have it good, and provide the Glenwood camp with the kind of stuff to make others "feel good"...  

illustration by Jared Souza​​​​

Father to the Queen of Nike World, this man is also an ex navy seal and instructor, which plays along perfectly for a community that teaches its people how to survive in the new world. His grandchildren were lost before these communities come together, and now he and his daughters get over that loss by doing what they can to protect and prepare the children of these communities...   

illustration by Jared Souza​​​​

Shawn's other daughter was almost more of a rival than a sister to the Queen of Nike World, but now they fight side by side and are a force to be reckoned with. The way they were raised might not have been ideal, but it becomes ideal in the new world they are helping to build...  

illustration by Jared Souza​​​​

Part of a group of survivors who had to fend for themselves the first 6 months, by season 3 these two and their friends will find themselves as part of the Baker compound community, once saved while on the sandy shores of Rockaway Beach, where a "zombie" free-zone, has been created...

illustration by Jared Souza​​​​

This one does not arrive until midway through the 3rd season, but by the end of it, proves herself as the true villain of this story. Karma catches her in a cage for over a year, by people perhaps even worse than herself, and holy hell on the world she would be, if ever set free...

illustration by Jared Souza​​​​

Mary's father is a Seattle mobster who secretly set-up his "undercover" daughter's marriage to Leo, as a way of having an inside contact of the Baker family. He knew of their apocalyptic plan to continue life, long before the dead began taking over the world, and now that they have, he has all the more reason to go after their compound... 

illustration by Jared Souza​​​​

One of Victor's two grandchildren, and boyfriend of Jordan, this guy is in charge of the Seattle racetrack, where a community has been built, with entertainment, assassinations, and gladiator style training for those who they "take in"... 

illustration by Jared Souza​​​​

These killing machines are part of the Seattle "gladiator" army, but their loyalties to their master mobsters become vulnerable to an inside influence, before sailing off with an army led by Jordan, heading from Seattle to the Oregon coastline...  

illustration by Jared Souza​​​​

 Anthony's #2 (chosen by Leo) at the beach camp and a key player during the battle that becomes known as "Red Christmas", while leading an army by horseback from the coast to the compound. He may be forced to place his loyalty between Leo and Anthony...  

illustration by Jared Souza​​​​


This guy is a sloppy mess, and named after the scar on his face from the claws of the wildlife they hunt. Born and raised in the hills of the coastline, his collection is all he knows when it comes to love, until rewarded with a new pet, after Jordan is caught and caged on their property, and where she resides for quite awhile at the mercy of this "man"... 

illustration by Jared Souza​​​​


This colonel and some of his men decided to hold up at Fort Vancouver, once it was clear that the world had gone to shit. He quickly became allies with the group surviving just up the road, at the Clark Campus, and eventually became a faithful man to the legendary Grover. He’s tough, a jokester, and a man whose heart will belong to someone inside the walls of Nike World, as they work to become a part of their community…

illustration by Jared Souza​​​​

Raven is the daughter of Shepard and Jordan, raised in a way that no soul would stand a chance by, and well trained in the ways of surviving a world of dead, as she travels the country with her father, anxious to be reunited with her mother, and to live happily ever after, in their new compound, that her father has told her “fairy tales” about…


Bo is a young compounder, so to Chasin, and grandson to Mason. Like Samantha, he is seen as a future leader of the compound, and will one day lead them in survival against an older Raven, who will become even more of a problem than both of her parents...


illustration by Jared Souza​​​​


Married to Chasin, and mother to Bo, this gal is just as tough as her hubby and an obvious reason that Bo is expected to do such great things. As wise as she is strong, you’ll never find her hiding on one side of the compound, whenever a threat resides on the other side. Fighting side by side with Chasin, they hope to clear the path for the future, and a time in which they expect their boy to lead…

illustration by Jared Souza​​​​

He has been feared by the compounders for years, as he makes his way from New York, during the early days of the apocalypse, heading for the coast range of Oregon. His large group of mobsters is not enough, as he takes his time traveling the country, building an army, that the compounders fear will one day arrive at their walls, which have already survived attacks from his buddy Cutter, and girlfriend, Jordan, who anxiously await his arrival…

illustration by Jared Souza​​​​


Only 4 years old when the dead first began to walk, it’s season 5 when the life of this child changes forever, at the bite of the dead, and the loss of her hand. Her spirit inspires her community, after finding the brighter side of her story, and being taught to master the art of becoming a complete badass, with her new hand/weapon, and learning from the best, her stepdad, a master of knives.

illustration by Jared Souza​​​​


While Zane survives a sticky situation during the chaos of day 1, Ashley was found alone in her home, while her dead mother was feasting on another family member. She was taken in by the compounders, and has been very quiet ever since. Invest yourself in this epic story, and see what big part she becomes of the compound future, all because Zane couldn’t leave her behind, on day 1…

illustration by Jared Souza​​​​

Just a student, softball player, and daddy’s girl before the world fell apart, she was not made for surviving it, while lucky enough to have others keeping her alive. Eventually, someone comes into her life who not only keeps her safe, but teaches her to do it herself, and become a leader among her people…

illustration by Jared Souza​​​​


​Surviving the early days of the apocalypse with a pocket of his men, he settles and becomes the muscle for a group led by a complete madman. After a couple years, and a tough defeat, he soon finds himself working with/for, the enemy of his enemy, and again suffers from terrible influences. Defeat will find him again, but so will retreat…so, he’s still out there, now seeing red, becoming even worse than those who he once followed…

illustration by Jared Souza​​​​


Leader of the “cousins”, this guy was in and out of trouble in the old world, but finds himself a valuable asset to his in law compounders, during and after the chaos of it all falling apart. Once they all become organized, and attempting to bring a little of the old world, into the new world, it is he, who is known as the guardian of the coastline, where he protects Tillamook through Rockaway Beach, keeping it clear of the dead, and available for compounders to vacation…

illustration by Jared Souza​​​​

Although not quite the fighter that Catherine is, Gunner’s wife, like all compounders, knows how to survive in an apocalyptic world, regardless of the walls they are protected by. Like her husband, she’s one to put laughs on the faces of those who need to smile, and dreams of one day rebuilding the happiest place on earth, or at least something similar…

illustration by Jared Souza​​​​



Above the Dead is a Walking Dead spin-off. Different characters but same universe, world, and problem...

An absolute emotional mess, and a total suspense/thriller...


FYI...the term "zombies" is used in the beginning for explanatory reasons, but not by the characters, as the term does not exist in their

world/universe. Eventually, those characters will create their own term, known as "huffs". Care to know what it stands for? Read and find out!



Season 1 is brutal, but the character development it creates, is something that will carry into the seasons to come, in which this family has the

resources to do something that most people cannot, as they work to rebuild large sections of Oregon, and eventually into Washington, even

creating "dead free" zones along stretches of the coastline...


With both wealth and wisdom working toward their survival in the upcoming apocalyptic world, this family is fortunate to have a head start.

Preparing most of his life for such an apocalypse, Sam Baker raised his family to prepare, as well, while still raising them with a ton of heart,

and emotion. With their support, he has a compound constructed, and adding on to it over the years, was a family tradition...


Once the dead begin attacking the living, the family find themselves desperate to gather at said compound. With chaos taking over, most of the

family is already secure, but where this story finds us, is with Sam's son, Fish, and granddaughter, Samantha. They are stuck in the mountains,

trying to wait out the storm, before making their way home, to the compound...


It's not where they want to be, but with this fairly secluded property, next to a lake and a huge 3-tree, tree house, that has running water and

an outhouse, things could be worse. Fish and his little girl, find the tree house much safer than the cabin, and for at least the beginning of this

"zombie" apocalypse, they find themselves dependent on it...


Surviving, above the dead, is something young Samantha begins to believe may become the way of the future. As creative as her grandfather,

she begins envisioning how such a thing would be plausible. She dreams of reaching her family to share these visions, and she does so,

while leaving the mountain, through the gorge, kayaking the Columbia River, past Multnomah Falls, and into the coast range...


What will they find once reaching the family they haven't seen, since before the world and it's rules went to hell? Will they be the same people 

we get to know through flashbacks, before meeting them in the present world? Will Samantha see her visions come to life? The compound

certainly has the resources and manpower for it...


By the third season, with a group surviving at the barricaded Nike World Headquarters in Beaverton, another group behind the walls built by a

team of loggers, and one more in the hills of the coast, the Bakers will have themselves some neighbors, as they all coexist in what becomes

known as, Forest Grover...


The material is endless, so sit back and prepare for a hell of a ride, with a family that takes its greatness from the past world, into the new one...










EPISODE 1, "Grandpa"

EPISODE 2, "Karma"

EPISODE 3, "Fort Vancouver"

EPISODE 4, "Healing"

EPISODE 5, "We Three Kings"


EPISODE 6, “You Can Never be too Careful”

EPISODE 7, “Spreading Fear”

EPISODE 8, “Negan”

EPISODE 9, “Battle of the SSH”

EPISODE 10, “Mary’s Return”



Coming soon!

EPISODE 1, "Moment of Silence"

EPISODE 2, "Story"

EPISODE 3, "Bullshit"

EPISODE 4, "Bullshit part 2"

EPISODE 5, "Candy Canes and Christmas"








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